Worth the Cost

Filed under , , by Alison on 8:45 PM


That's my little soccer star over there.  Buggy had his first soccer practice last week.  It's his first time doing anything like this.  The Tall One and I were a bit hesitant to do it because we wondered if he'd just stand around and do nothing, or make up his own rules and proceed to tell the others how it's done (he's all about being in charge).  TTO was joking that he'd be yelling at the games something along the lines of,  "At least run will ya?  We paid good money for this!"

He may just decide to stop playing mid-game, or head over to the playground during practice, but he had so much fun at his first practice and is so eagerly anticipating the next one that somehow I doubt that.  Normally we like to try and entertain our children (and ourselves) as inexpensively as we can, but sometimes (and even if he does decide that actually participating is overrated), just watching our children completely enjoying themselves and experiencing something new is worth the cost.