Looking at the Food Budget

Filed under , by Alison on 8:36 PM


In the past, I've tossed around the idea of combining the grocery and dining out budget into just one food budget.  The thought being that we'd have some more flexibility for dining out during the months where we spend under budget on groceries.

I know that it would be "best" to just put the extra money towards any savings goals, but eating out is something we all really enjoy.  The current numbers more or less give us one nicer dinner out or  a few fast food meals.  Sure, the money spent on a dinner out is more than what I'd spend on ingredients to cook dinner at home, but having an extra $5 here and there would allow for another lunch out for me and the kids or an extra ice cream cone here and there.

In reality, it probably wouldn't work.  Since each week's grocery spending varies greatly, I often go way under one week and then make up for it later in the month.  If I combined everything, I might spend the grocery overage on a lunch out early in the month and end up needing that money for groceries later in the month. 

Perhaps, at the end of each month I'll add up how much has been spent in groceries and make an afternoon Sonic run on the 30th if there's any surplus.

So, my wonderful readers, do you have any thoughts on the matter?