How To Surprise a Spouse With a Gift When Your Finances Are All Shared

Filed under , , by Alison on 6:52 AM


I apologize to those looking for an answer, because I don't have one!

The Tall One wants to surprise me for Mother's Day.  This surprise apparently costs more money than he might normally spend on a gift for me.  He needed to pay for it with cash, and in an effort to completely keep it a surprise, he would have liked to be able to pull the money without me noticing.  Not an easy task, since I'm the one who pays the bills! So, first off, I'd know something was up once I saw the money was gone, and second, I might get mad at him for spending it (but according to him, it wouldn't matter because, come Mother's Day, I'd love the surprise and I wouldn't care how much it cost).

Needless to say, the surprise would be a much more fun surprise if I had no idea it was coming, but since I keep track of the accounts, there's no way that could happen! Separate accounts could prevent this (to some extent) in the future.  Right now, it's not something that I think would work well, but maybe down the road.

I'm not angry at him for spending the money, though I was a bit at first. I decided that he knows our bottom line as well as I do and our financial goals are aligned.  So, if this is something he wants to do for me, then who am I to stop him?