A List I Won't Write

Filed under , , by Alison on 8:28 AM


I'm coming upon the home stretch in this pregnancy, just ten more weeks to go!  It's time for me to start getting things together and see what needs to be purchased.  This would be a good time for me to write a list of frugal baby purchases, or the like, but I am not going to.

the internet is full of such lists.  The "must-haves" and the "don't buys" and honestly, those lists annoy me to no end.  There's seems to be a bit of preachiness to many of them, as if they proclaim the gospel truth when it comes to baby paraphenelia. I think that too many people trust these lists a bit too much, and as a result, end up with things that they really don't end up needing or miss out on great products that could have proven helpful! I'll never forget reading in a magazine that those little cloth bibs for babies were a waste and thinking how they proved so useful for us. Bug was a spitter, and it was so easy to just change the bib when he would spit up as opposed to the whole outfit.

It's been my experience that, aside from the obvious basics (car seat, clothing, place to sleep, diapers, bottles and formula if you choose to formula feed), figuring out what "extras" you need is complete trial and error and depends on each baby and your circumstances at the time.  Not what a new mom wants to hear, I know!

When Bug was six weeks old, we moved across the country.  Not wanting to move a lot of stuff, we didn't buy any big things for him until after the move, including a swing.  In fact, we never even bought a swing.  A swing is probably pretty high up on the "must have" lists, and we managed quite easily without one. Bug just seemed to be able to be soothed by other methods, so we never felt the need to spend our money on one. When Monkey came around, we decided no on the swing because I was afraid that Bug would be a bit too agressive when it came to pushing his little brother.  Monkey loved the swing that a friend had, so it probably wouldn't have been a wasted purchase, but I just didn't feel like it fit with our current circumstances.

Another product that often pops up on both lists is the Diaper Genie, or similar product. When Bug was a baby, we had one and loved it.  It meant we didn't need to trek outside of our apartment (often in the snow and cold) to toss out the smelly diapers.  Now, that we live in a house with our own trash bin in our own garage, the diaper pail just collects dust in a closet because it's easy to just throw them in the outside trash. 

In the swing example, it was trial and error that helped us out.  We didn't get one before he was born, and as time went on, it was evident that we didn't need one.  In the diaper pail example, we did get something that is often on the "skip this" lists, and for one baby (because of our circumstances) we found it extremely helpful. 

My advice to any new mom would be to carefully consider all the products out there and, while all the lists can serve as a guide, if you don't think you need an item you see on every "must have" list, don't buy it.  Likewise, if there's an item that's plastered all over every "you don't need this" list, but you think you do need it, buy it!  And remember that the stores will still be open after baby is born, and should you decide you do need something you skipped out on, you can purchase it later!