Congratulations! Now Here's Your Bill..

Filed under , by Alison on 3:05 PM


Today was one of those mail days that one only dreams about. There was just three envelopes - two billing statements from the hospital and one explanation of benefits from the insurance company.  Are we lucky, or what??

The billing statements aren't asking for any money - yet. But the fact that there are two of them is a bit odd. Neither one exactly matches up with the EOB, and one of them reflects the amount we paid already (the hospital wanted some money before we left), while the other does not.

I'm very grateful for our (fairly decent) insurance, but I wish it made a bit more sense. We won't be blindly paying anything, so hopefully the actual bill will make a bit more sense. And, if it doesn't, we'll give them a call. And, most likely, their answer will be about as clear as mud.