What I Made Wednesday: Easy Art

Filed under , by Alison on 9:31 AM


A month ago, The Tall One read this interview with author Mo Willems and was inspired to draw a picture of his favorite stuffed animal.

I thought it was pretty cool and decided to frame it. He still has this childhood toy and our kids recognize it, so I thought it would be a fun addition to their room decor.

You really don't need to spend a lot of money to get great art on your walls. There are so many ways to create your own (need some inspiration? Here's a post from me and one from Remodeling This Life). And of course, you can always pick up a pen and draw something yourself. What? You say you can't draw? First off, go read the interview and if you still insist you can't draw anything frame-worthy, enlist your children.

And yes, technically, I did not make this - my husband did. But I framed it!

Have you blogged about something you made recently? Leave me a link in the comment section - I'd love to see it. What to join in next week? Send me an email and I'll be sure to link to you in next week's post.