One Purchase Leads to Another

Filed under , by Alison on 9:51 PM


Last year, I wrote a post about what I feared would happen should Santa bring my family a Wii for Christmas. And now, as I sit here listening to The Tall One play Beatles Rock Band, I realize that exactly what I feared has already happened.

We held out long enough. At Christmastime, there were rumors of a Rock Band game dedicated solely to Beatles music and I succesfully convinced TTO to wait until it came out to purchase any Rock Band-esque game. And now we are proud owners of it, but that is not all, oh no that is not all. You see, in this game, you are able to sing three-part harmony. Three singers means three mics and only one comes with the game. Don't worry though, we bought two more. Three mics, plus a drumset, a guitar, and a bass means six things need to be plugged into the Wii - and there's only room for four. So TTO went out and bought a USB hub to accomodate all the peripherals. It actually came with one, but not after the new one was opened and we decided it was much better than our old one so we were going to keep it.

And it will continue because, you see, the game came with just the bass and no guitar. And we must have the guitar as well (what if we both want to play?). And those geniuses who market the game decided to slowly release all of the Beatles albums so that you can add more songs to the game. Well, we certainly have to have those, don't we?

And so it is, one purchase leads to another.

It is a sweet game though.