What Has Your Couch Done For You Lately?
Filed under Money Thoughts , by Alison on 10:42 PM
Earlier this month, my husband and I were arguing over how much money to spend on improving the garden this year. He just wants things to grow better, and I'm content with how they are and feel like we've thrown enough money into it and we are in no way saving money with this garden. Fed up with my argument, he pointed to the couch and asked me, "well, how much money is that couch making you?"
I must admit he had a point. Everything we have does not have to make us money, in fact just about everything in the house yields us no financial gains at all. So why on earth am I so concerned with making sure the garden does?
Most things are just meant to be enjoyed or meant to be functional. Sure, one could always sell items and make some money that way, but using that as a reason to buy something in the first place isn't usually a smart idea.
I still stand my ground though.