Yeah, Well I Noticed

Filed under , by Alison on 4:29 PM


I like to buy the big boxes of diapers because diapers are cheaper that way, I don't have to head to the store to buy them as frequently, and I can use the boxes to store things as soon as they are empty. Because of that last reason, I still have many boxes that I originally purchased when my three-year-old was a baby. Recently, one of of those boxes was down out of the closet and I couldn't help but make some comparisons. The box I bought a few years ago contained 144 size three diapers, while the one bought within the last month has 92 size three diapers.

It's my understanding that the reasoning behind this is that people won't notice if the packaging size gets smaller as much as they might notice a price increase. Remember my second reason for buying diapers in bulk? Yeah, I'd rather have the price increase.