Grocery Store Report: The Check The Ads Edition

Filed under , by Alison on 8:57 PM


On Saturday night, we needed eggs. Okay, we didn't really need them, I wanted them so I could bake something. I made a list for all the groceries we'd need for the rest of the month (we'll be out of town for part of it) and we all headed off to Smith's. No really wonderful deals to be had here, Albertson's had the great deals this week, but overall Smith's has lower prices. I wanted a boneless half ham becuase they were on sale, but when I was picking one out, I noticed none of the half hams were marked at the sale price. I assumed this was because I had read the ad wrong and only the whole hams were on sale. But The Tall One was smart. We had an ad in our cart and he opened it up to check it. Sure enough, it said half and whole hams were on sale. We asked the butcher who was out on duty and he went back to rescale it to see if it came up the sale price. It did, hooray! So, when in doubt, check the ad at the store. Obvious to most, probably, but apparently not to me.

Today I went with the boys to Albertson's. I picked up some nighttime pull-ups for Bug that were on sale for $8.99 and used a $2 off coupon. The great deal here was the Pillsbury Crescent and Sweet Rolls. They were on sale 2/$3. And I had coupons. And the store was doubling and tripling coupons up to $1 off. So my fifty cent coupon became $1 off, my sixty cent coupon became $1 off and my thirty cent coupon became ninety cents off. I was pleased.

I spent (minus diapers) $30.99 this week. That's 19.01 under my weekly goal. Which will help with the weeks that I've gone over and overall help me be under budget in groceries this month.