When All Else Fails.. Add To Your Wish List

Filed under , by Alison on 1:36 PM



photo by Leedman

My birthday and Christmas are just around the corner, which means it's time to start figuring out what I  might want. This is not hard at any other time of the year, but for some reason around October 1 my mind goes completely blank until the end of the year. Then January rolls around and it seems that everywhere I look I see something that I'd love to have!

Instead of thinking to myself "wow, that's cool, I wish I had some extra money to buy it", I'll think "awesome, something to add to my wish list!". And then comes the part I apparently always forget about it - I'll write it down!

A little bit of positive thinking can go a long way. In this case, I can have a list full of ideas for the gift giving season and it will perhaps help quell the "woe is me" feeling that I get when it seems like I'm never buying anything for myself.