The Christmas Bonus

Filed under , by Alison on 9:08 AM


The Tall One brought a home a much larger than expected Christmas bonus.

We weren't planning on doing anything special with the money, just putting it into savings, but we also weren't expecting this much since his boss traditionally gives things moreso than money. So now, purchases that were so far off are more within our reach. We got some extra Christmas money from TTOs grandfather to purchase a dining room set (I guess he didn't like sitting at the card table in a folding chair when he was here visiting a few months ago?), but not quite enough. We'd also like to buy a new computer (ours is over six years old). When we add up all the money we were given for Christmas along with TTOs bonus (and yes, he'll be getting an iPod Touch), one of those purchases can happen now and we'd still have enough money to put a nice amount into savings (savings for the one we don't end up buying, no doubt).

Decisions, decisions.

Do you have Christmas bonus money that you need to decide what to do with?