November Budget Report

Filed under , , by Alison on 3:15 PM


November is gone, but it left us some money to throw into savings!

We ended up with a $446.78 surplus. That does include The Tall One's bonus, but it also includes paying out the wazoo for gas for a road trip for Thanksgiving. Neither of those things happen on a monthly basis, but they don't completely cancel each other out, so our surplus for this month is a bit larger than normal.

In the world of groceries, I came under by $48.14. I try to stick to $50/week, so basically I spent no money on groceries the week we were out of town, and then some stocking up I did at Costco cancelled out our week without buying groceries.

I'm doing great on the Christmas budget. Only two more gifts to purchase and about half of the budget left.

My goal for December is to get our emergency savings back to its minimum. It was at a point I was very happy with, but then I goofed a few months ago. I paid a big payment towards TTO's student loan and didn't account for having to pay car insurance the next month and one last bill from Monkey's birth. So basically the car insurance and hospital bill had to come out of our emergency savings and we've been building it back up since then. We're close so as long as nothing that's "not in the plan" comes up, it should happen.