Friday Night Link Love: A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Filed under , by Alison on 4:45 PM


My in-laws were visiting for the last part of this week, so I just barely had some time to catch up on my reader. And well, I'm a day late, but not really a dollar short. I'm actually up $1.60 after I did a price adjustment at Target today.

The Carnival of Money Stories was held at Life Lessons of a Military Wife and included my post on teaching my son about money. Also check out Simplicity Challenge: Day 25 at Antishay Ventenne

The Make It From Scratch Carnival was hosted by GreenStyleMom this week and included my post on how I cut my finger, I mean the wall hangings I made from my son's blanket. There were many wonderful recipes this week, I especially liked Cheesy Chicken Crescents at Thrifty Mommy.

And a few favorites from my reader:

I'll be taking the day off in honor of Easter tomorrow, so no recipe. Happy Easter!