Teaching My Kids About Money Part II

Filed under , by Alison on 10:22 PM


This is the second post in a series of posts on how I'm teaching my kids about money. You can read part one here

Recently Bug (my three year old) wanted to go to the mall to play at the play area. He asked me if it cost any money. I told him it didn't. Then he asked me how much money it costs to go the Children's Museum he loved. I told him $10. He told me that I'd have to work* so we could have enough money to go to that museum.

Something is starting to click.

Today at the store, I let him pick out the snacks for Joy School. He chose string cheese and I was doing some cost comparison when he asked me how much they each cost. When I told him, he asked me if I had that much money.

I think next time he's at the store with me, I'll give him a small amount of money and let him choose something to buy with that amount. He's starting to grasp that some numbers are bigger than others, so he should understand if he picks something that costs more than he has.

*I do have a part-time work from home job, so it's not as if he was telling me to get off my rear and earn some money to take him to the museum.