He Already Has Expensive Taste

Filed under , , by Alison on 2:16 PM


Yesterday I was at Target looking at sandals for Bug. I pulled the cheapest ones off of the shelf, had him try them on and then told him how cool they were. He agreed, but started pointing at other shoes and wanting to try them on too. He ended up liking a more expensive pair and wouldn't budge when I suggested getting the first ones. He's just stubborn enough and has a good enough memory that I was afraid if I bought the first pair, he'd refuse to wear them because he had wanted the second pair. In retrospect, I should have tried to play the "we don't have enough money for those ones" card. He's starting to grasp the concept that money pays for things, so it may have worked, but well, I kind of like the second pair better myself, even if they did cost a few more dollars.