Just Do It

Filed under , by Alison on 9:32 PM


There have been several instances in the past weeks where I've felt I should do something - call a friend or perhaps run a certain errand - but I haven't acted on it and regretted it later on. And then there were a few times where I felt strongly that I should do something that I wasn't planning on, and instead of trying to get it out of my mind, I just did it and was very happy in the end. For whatever reason, I've really started to learn to trust my thoughts in the past few weeks.

So what does this have to do with personal finance and frugality? Thinking that it might be important to have some extra money in your savings account?  Do it. Think it might be about time to make a large purchase? Start researching now. Ready to jump into the stock market? Start learning now. This doesn't mean that you should quickly jump into something, but rather you shouldn't delay the research because you assume you have all the time in the world. You never know when something might happen that means you won't have as much time for research as you'd like.

Opportunity comes knocking when you least expect it. Sometimes all it takes is being in the right place at the right time and not following your instincts could cause you to miss out on something great.