It Could Be Worse, But...

Filed under , by Alison on 10:11 PM


We're facing an increase in our health insurance costs beginning next month. It's not huge, but it's annoying and frustrating to have to pay more for the same coverage that isn't really fabulous to begin with.  So my mind jumps to the fact that well, it could be worse, because many people out there have no health insurance at all.  But I hate thinking that way, because it doesn't change my struggles and my frustrations, someone will always be worse off than me or facing a more difficult situation, but it doesn't make my challenges any less real to me.  Telling myself how much worse off I could be does nothing to solve any issues at hand, if anything it may make me feel like my problems aren't real or big enough to be problems.

This isn't to say that I don't recognize all the amazing ways that I've been blessed, or the fact that really there are many people in worse situations than myself.  But to compare myself to others on a regular basis isn't fair to me.  Nor is it fair for me to look at others and wonder what they might have to complain about.  Everyone is dealt a different deck and different rules to work with.  I can count my blessings and struggle with whatever might be bothering me all at the same time.