The Garden, The Budget, and The Car: More Updates

Filed under , , , by Alison on 9:00 AM


On Monday, I posted a few updates regarding things I've written about on this blog. Here are some more.

Our Garden - I've written about how our garden is much more of a hobby than money-saver. While that is still true, the money spent on peat moss this year was definitely worth it! We had so many peas, they were always available for a snack or for meals.

Our corn is taller than it's ever been and is now just starting to tassel. The sunflowers are beautiful and the tomatoes, well we didn't even plant tomatoes this year, but look what we've got! 

Several tomato plants have come up as "volunteers", meaning that the tomatoes that didn't get picked and fell to the ground last year left some seeds around for this year - and they came up and are thriving! Now that's the ultimate in garden thriftiness.

The Budget - I rearranged the budget month so that it more closely follows our credit card billing cycle as opposed to the calendar month. Most of our transactions are paid for with our card, so this just gives us a better idea of how much extra money we saved in a given month, or, in the case of paying medical bills, how much we'll need to pull from savings in order to pay the card off in full. I'm liking it a lot.

The Car - Our jeep is still going strong and, though it's a tight fit, the three car seats fit in the back row just fine and it's not driving me crazy yet! Hopefully the car will still work for us for awhile so we can save some more for a new car. We just had it checked over (because it was making funny noises) and the mechanic says it's in great condition for its age. And we didn't end up making all the repairs that the other mechanic said we needed done. Funny how that goes.  Also, remember this post about my stubborness when it came to driving The Tall One's manual transmission Toyota? A few months after that, I had to suck it up and drive it to a doctor's appointment, and I had to do that again yesterday.  I feel a lot more confident about my abilities (so long as there are no hills on my drive!) though it definitely isn't my preferred car to drive.