The Hidden Cost of a Third Child

Filed under , , by Alison on 10:03 AM


Children are expensive, but subsequent children tend to be less so since you can re-use so many things. We thought we were pretty set when it came to bringing a third child into our family, and a third boy nonetheless. But of course, the baby would eventually evict Monkey from the crib and he'd need a bed of his own, so we factored in the cost of bunk beds


and we quickly realized that we'd also need another mattress
But it wasn't until we were actually setting up the bunkbeds that I realized what else we would need

and a comforter, too. But that can wait seeing as it's summertime and the two year old doesn't really sleep covered up with a blanket anyway.

Sometimes its the little things, the important little things, that you tend to forget about!

bunk bed photo by goldberg via
mattress photo from
sheets photo from