Buying for Next Year

Filed under , by Alison on 8:39 PM



photo by Mark.Pilgrim via flickr

I've written before about how I'm not so good about taking advantage of clearance sales and buying clothing for my kids ahead of time. In order to combat this (because buying things at a great price that you'll need in the future is a great way to ultimately save money) I made a master list of what clothing items I need in each size. I keep this list with me so I can refer to it when I find a good deal. I still need to go through the box of shoes to see what gaps need to be filled there.

Having three boys means there isn't really a huge need to buy clothes for the younger two, but we were lucky enough to receive a large amount of hand-me-downs for our oldest and after he was done with them, some were just too worn out to make it to the next kid.  Also, I'm finding that the seasons aren't quite lining up right as I pull out clothes for the baby.

So far, I've bought a two-pack of pajamas for the baby for next winter. One of them will work nicely as his new pair of Christmas jammies. I'm currently on the the lookout for a winter jacket for Bug for next year and one for Monkey to finish out this year with - his is getting a little snug!