Holding Out for a Sale
Filed under Budgeting , kids' money , by Alison on 9:25 PM
Two weeks ago, we ran out of my son's favorite cereal. I try to only buy cereal when it's on sale (and stock up when it is) and it hasn't been on sale since. He is not amused that I've been to the store twice since we ran out, but I haven't bought anymore. Each day he throws a fit as I try to explain why I haven't bought more while offering up alternatives. He's heard me use this reasoning before, but he just isn't buying it this time.
I feel like I'm trying to teach him a lesson - we can't always have what we want when we want it, and the need to stretch a dollar. But a dollar is probably about all I'd save, and is it worth the tantrum?
I'll just cross my fingers that when the grocery ad comes in the mail tomorrow there's a super fabulous sale on Life cereal.
photo by alexstaubo