What He Thinks

Filed under , by Alison on 10:27 PM


Sometimes I forget that my oldest son listens to what my husband and I say and understands it (or at least he thinks he does). Since very frequent (and sometimes large) medical bills became our reality, my husband and I have been joking about having no money. I first realized that my son was taking this literally when I took him to buy some new school clothes. He wondered how we could buy him new clothes if we had no money! I explained to him that we did have money for clothes for him, plus I had a gift card to use. Other times, when my husband and I talk about buying things, he's offered up his money. We try to explain to him that we have plenty of money for all our needs, just maybe not enough for some of our wants. And mostly I try to watch what I say around him!

It all makes me realize what a complicated statement "having enough money" really is. I'm not exactly certain what it means to my son. To me, it's usually about priorities. Right now our financial priority is beefing up our savings. I just have to help my son understand that that doesn't mean he will miss out on things and that we certainly don't need to borrow money from him!