A Deal You Just Can't Miss

Filed under , by Alison on 9:42 AM


I always have such a hard time balancing between just buying something and holding out for a better deal. What about you?
'Tis the season for deals that must not be missed. For doorbuster savings and prices that are the lowest of the season. I went to Walmart at midnight on Thanksgiving night because (a) I'd rather stay up late than get up early, (b) I'm clearly a sucker for $4 pajamas and (c) it's way fun to watch people go crazy for things they clearly can't live without. Though I didn't realize that last reason until I was really there.  Sometimes I wondered if people really knew what they were buying, or if they were just filling there cart with said item because there were a bunch of them on a rack and other people were grabbing them too.

Just the other day, I found something at Amazon, that I thought would make a fun stocking stuffer for my three-year-old, though I hesitated because, well, it probably wouldn't have actually fit into his stocking! Later, in the afternoon, I went back to purchase it. The price had gone up, so I decided it wasn't that great after all. These blink-and-you-miss them deals tend to drive me crazy because I can't help but wonder if something better is on the way, and obviously I can't make up my mind fast enough.